BSRB participates in international trade union collaboration. The main weight has been on Nordic cooperation, but the federation is also in collaboration with other international and European confederations of workers and public employees.
ITUC – The International Trade Union Confederation
ITUC is the international federation of trade unions and its global voice. Its role is to promote the interest of workers in the international community. The federations actively work for improvement/development of human rights, economic affairs, social affairs, working environment and not least equality in the labour market.
ETUC – The European Trade Union Confederation
The confederations aims and goals are to influence the working environment and rights of workers in Europe. A key factor in the federations work is to ensure the rights of workers toward the European Union, that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but also a social Europe equally important for all workers and their families.
NFS- The Council of Nordic Trade Unions
NFS- The Council of Nordic Trade Unions is an organisation for collaboration between national trade union confederations in the Nordic countries. Its role is to harmonise the objectives of Nordic trade unions and to increase the cooperation between the parties. The council work for example for social and economic improvements of various kinds.
PSI – Public Service International – The global union federation of workers in public services
PSI it the global federation of workers in public services. The members are more than 20 million and the majority women.
EPSU – European Public Service Union
EPSU is the European Federation of Public Service Unions. The federation is a powerful lobby for better earnings for its 8 million members, both towards the European Union and single states.
NOFS – The Nordic federation of Public Service Employees
The main objective of NOFS is to harmonise the work of the affiliated trade unions in the Nordic countries. Exchanges of views and ideas all for the improvement of the earning of the public service employees in the north.
ILO – International Labour Organization
ILO – International Labour Organization is a tripartite United Nations agency that brings together governments, employers, and workers unions both in the international scene and within the domain of its members states. They work together to create labour standards and policies that impact today’s global economy.
EFTA Consultative Committee
Iceland is a member of EFTA and the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The Consultative Committee’s aim and mission are threefold. Firstly, the Committee takes part in the shaping of the EFTA and EEA agendas, and seeks to influence policies in the areas that affect the social partners. Secondly, it intends to be a forum for dialogue among social partners from all EFTA countries, and a link to social partners in the EU and EU accession countries. Finally, the Committee seeks to raise awareness of the social and economic aspects of EFTA’s and the EEA.
The Geneva School
The Geneva School is a school of social affairs run by the Nordic trade unions. The objectives of the school is to increase and to promote trade union activities ,nationally and internationally. To promote the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its annual conference in Geneva, the International Labour Conference, the ILC.