BSRB works closely with other labour federations in Iceland. There are joint interests in the public and private sector that needs be focused on. Collaboration of the federations increases their ability to get the objectives of employees across and make them stronger. With solidarity and cooperation, the federations achieve better results and benefits for their members.
The public sector
There is various cooperation between BSRB, the Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates (BHM) and the Iceland Teachers’ Union (KÍ), federations that also represent employees in the public sector. The federations collaborate on several issues, like pension rights for state employees, to name some. The leaders of the federations meet on regular bases to focus on the joint objectives to ensure the best outcome for their members.
The private sector
BSRB works closely with The Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASÍ). BSRB and ASÍ founded in 2016 Bjarg, Housing Foundation, for its members and in 2019 Varda-Labour markets research institute(Varða -rannsóknarstofnun vinnumarkaðarins). They also co-own The workers social affairs school (Félagsmálaskóli alþýðu) who offers courses for union representatives. The federations have also held several open meetings and promoted numerous joint campaigns on issues like equality and maternity and paternal leave.